Running back home… correndo de volta para casa… 29 de agosto de 201329 de agosto de 2013 by Paulo Wang
She has seen a neoliberal politician and a banker in romantic pose and showing their spite towards every other people 15 de agosto de 201315 de agosto de 2013 by Godo Chillida
He is observing a group of very rowdy tourists. He wonders himsel if they have the same attitude in their country 15 de agosto de 201315 de agosto de 2013 by Godo Chillida
Every situation have several points of view, they can be explained by multiple speeches. Ladies and gentlemen of the government you would have to take note, the neocon narrative is not the one and only voice to explain what happens in our society. 13 de agosto de 201313 de agosto de 2013 by Godo Chillida