I am a doctor and I am ashamed of this current health system because forces me to not care for many patients without social resources 05 de noviembre de 2012 by Godo Chillida
Her eyes light up when she imagines a future without swine politicians 05 de noviembre de 2012 by Godo Chillida
When I think of how the government abuses citizens I get very serious 03 de noviembre de 2012 by Godo Chillida
I want to open my eyes wide to see political corruption. On election day I will act accordingly 03 de noviembre de 2012 by Godo Chillida
I lost the index finger of my left hand embedding the fist into the face of an asshole. Do you want to eat me another finger? 02 de noviembre de 2012 by Godo Chillida
The subway is a good place to cry by daily miseries. Nobody notices, especially if you are an immigrant. 27 de octubre de 2012 by Godo Chillida
I would like to look into the faces of these mediocre politicians who approve every decree law ignoring the will of the people 26 de octubre de 2012 by Godo Chillida