Tired of listening to infamous politicians Monday January 20th, 2014Monday January 20th, 2014 by Godo Chillida
Concerned about being ruled by a government that blames people and save the bankers Sunday January 19th, 2014Sunday January 19th, 2014 by Godo Chillida
Leyendo camino del fin de semana. Feliz finde a Tod@s Friday January 17th, 2014Friday January 17th, 2014 by miguel sánchez
The importance of a small gesture at the right time Thursday January 16th, 2014Thursday January 16th, 2014 by Godo Chillida
Quizás están leyendo “Instrucciones para subir una escalera” de Julio Cortázar. Un breve extracto de ese maravilloso texto : Las escaleras se suben de frente, pues hacia atrás o de costado resultan particularmente incómodas. La actitud natural consiste en mantenerse de pie, los brazos colgando sin esfuerzo, la cabeza erguida aunque no tanto que los ojos dejen de ver los peldaños inmediatamente superiores al que se pisa, y respirando lenta y regularmente. Para subir una escalera se comienza por levantar esa parte del cuerpo situada a la derecha abajo, envuelta casi siempre en cuero o gamuza, y que salvo excepciones cabe exactamente en el escalón. Thursday January 16th, 2014Thursday January 16th, 2014 by miguel sánchez
Be careful, there are threats that come from behind Friday January 10th, 2014Friday January 10th, 2014 by Godo Chillida
While he is showing off she is forced into the shadows Friday January 10th, 2014Friday January 10th, 2014 by Godo Chillida