Please complete the sentence: I came from ______ to watch the world cup! Complete a sentença: eu vim do _______ para assistir a copa do mundo! Wednesday June 18th, 2014Wednesday June 18th, 2014 by Paulo Wang
Which football team is he cheering for? Para que time ele está torcendo? Tuesday June 17th, 2014Tuesday June 17th, 2014 by Paulo Wang
At the Valentine’s day in Brazil, same thoughts are shared over the years….no dia dos namorados, este casal, no decorrer dos anos, continua compartilhando os mesmos pensamentos…. Saturday June 14th, 2014Saturday June 14th, 2014 by Paulo Wang
The Arena is the stadium where will be the first game of the Brazilian world cup. Hope we all have a good time during this period! A Arena é o estádio onde será o primeiro jogo da copa do mundo. Espero que tenhamos ótimos dias mestre período… Tuesday June 10th, 2014Tuesday June 10th, 2014 by Paulo Wang