Libro y bocadillo, alimento para la mente, alimento para el estómago. 164/365 Saturday June 13th, 2015Saturday June 13th, 2015 by miguel sánchez
Siempre en busca de un lugar 110/365 Tuesday April 21st, 2015Tuesday April 21st, 2015 by miguel sánchez
” Estamos hechos de historias, y cada día tiene una historia que contar ” Eduardo Galeano ” We are made of stories,and each day has a story to tell” 104/365 Tuesday April 14th, 2015Tuesday April 14th, 2015 by miguel sánchez
Diferentes salidas o diferentes llegadas 101/365 Saturday April 11th, 2015Saturday April 11th, 2015 by miguel sánchez
15:45 by @Migueisanfoto as part of the .For more infomation visit the @24hourproject Saturday March 21st, 2015Sunday March 22nd, 2015 by miguel sánchez
Miradas de reojo Sidelong glance 49/365 Wednesday February 18th, 2015Wednesday February 18th, 2015 by miguel sánchez
St Valentine’s Day Y porque hay diferentes clases de amor.. 45/365 Saturday February 14th, 2015Saturday February 14th, 2015 by miguel sánchez