Many , anyone with their own story… Muitos passageiros, cada um com sua própria história… Monday March 16th, 2015Monday March 16th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Every time I take pictures at the train, I remember what happened to me a month ago. Only time will tell me which lesson I’ve learnt from this episode… Todas as vezes que tiro fotos no trem, acabo lembrando o que aconteceu comigo um mês atrás … Só o tempo dirá que lição aprendi com este episódio… Friday March 13th, 2015Friday March 13th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Going back home…. Voltando para casa.. Wednesday March 11th, 2015Wednesday March 11th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Even at the hard times, keep up the good mood is the first step to do… Mesmo nas dificuldades, manter o bom humor é o primeiro passo a dar… Thursday March 5th, 2015Thursday March 5th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Non dvcor, dvco…. Não sou conduzido, conduzo… Wednesday March 4th, 2015Wednesday March 4th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Daylight saving time has finished.. Acabou o horário de verão… Tuesday March 3rd, 2015Tuesday March 3rd, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Monday’s thoughts… Pensamentos de segunda feira… Monday March 2nd, 2015Monday March 2nd, 2015 by Paulo Wang
From the archives remembering winter time…. Dos arquivos relembrando o inverno… Tuesday February 24th, 2015Tuesday February 24th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
The lonely passenger…. O passageiro solitário… Monday February 23rd, 2015Monday February 23rd, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Yesterday was the first day I took some pictures, I found that it’s not easy to take photos… Ontem foi o primeiro dia que voltei a fotografar na rua, vi não é fácil tirar fotos sem rosto… Friday February 20th, 2015Friday February 20th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
The regress… I’d like to thank each one of you that sent messages to me, I felt the support that you gave me… I’ll be returning slowly, now I have another phone, not as good as phone I had, so I’ll be publishing something that I have in my archives too… During this time I had an idea to publish pictures hiding their faces and tag them . Let’s see how will it go…. O retorno… Eu gostaria de agradecer a cada um que me mandou mensagens, senti o apoio que me deram.. Voltarei devagar, agora com um celular não tão bom como o anterior, então estarei publicando algo dos arquivos… Neste período tive a ideia de mostrar fotos escondendo a face das pessoas, com a hashtag . Um abraço a todos… Thursday February 19th, 2015Thursday February 19th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Let’s board on this trip. Because our life is a journey, and our happiness depends on ourselves… Vamos embarcar nesta viagem, pois nossa vida é uma jornada e nossa felicidade só depende de nós…. Thursday February 12th, 2015Thursday February 12th, 2015 by Paulo Wang