When the best thing to do is to wait and see…. Quando a melhor opção é esperar e ver…. Tuesday April 28th, 2015Tuesday April 28th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
It has been three months that I had to go to the police office due to the picture incident….after that time I still do an auto censor and I’ve been publishing people… How long this remembrance will pursue me? Fazem três meses que tive que ir à delegacia de Polícia devido a um incidente fotográfico… Depois daquele acontecimento ainda faço uma auto censura e tenho publicado fotos de pessoas sem rosto… Quanto tempo esta lembrança vai me perseguir? Monday April 27th, 2015Monday April 27th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Never give up your dreams…. Nunca desista de seus sonhos… Friday April 24th, 2015Friday April 24th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Let me show you the whatsapp message I received… Deixe-me mostrar a mensagem whatsapp que recebi… Thursday April 23rd, 2015Thursday April 23rd, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Fins the running person…. Encontre a pessoa que está correndo… Wednesday April 22nd, 2015Wednesday April 22nd, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Interrupted by the phone call… Interrompido pela chamada telefônica… Wednesday April 15th, 2015Wednesday April 15th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
The fashion week starts in São Paulo… Começa a São Paulo fashion week.. Tuesday April 14th, 2015Tuesday April 14th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
The window to the world… Janela para o mundo… Tuesday March 24th, 2015Tuesday March 24th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Many times we are treated as numbers. But when I see people, I see life. And all you are important… Muitas vezes somos tratados como números. Porém quando eu vejo gente, vejo vida. E todos vocês são importantes…. Thursday March 19th, 2015Thursday March 19th, 2015 by Paulo Wang