How I love the light. It shows what is hidden, it warms what is cold….. Como eu amo a luz. Ela mostra o que está escondido; aquece o que é frio… Thursday May 28th, 2015Thursday May 28th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Give us this day our daily text…. O texto nosso de cada dia… Wednesday May 27th, 2015Wednesday May 27th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
I can’t believe the news today… Não posso acreditar nas notícias de hoje…. Tuesday May 26th, 2015Tuesday May 26th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
The latest Facebook news…. As últimas notícias do Facebook… Wednesday May 13th, 2015Wednesday May 13th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Before you enter at the train… Antes de entrar no trem… Thursday May 7th, 2015Thursday May 7th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Hey, don’t be shy, just smile … Ei, não fique com vergonha, simplesmente sorria… Wednesday May 6th, 2015Wednesday May 6th, 2015 by Paulo Wang
Shadows from the afternoon.. Sombras do entardecer… Thursday April 30th, 2015Thursday April 30th, 2015 by Paulo Wang